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The insistence of the Indian race and nationalism in nineteenth-century American culture

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The insistence of the Indian

race and nationalism in nineteenth-century American culture

Verfasser: Scheckel, Susan
Erscheinungsort: Princeton, N.J
Verlag: Princeton University Press
Erscheinungsjahr: c1998
Umfang: x, 197 p.
Thema: USA / Nationalismus / Indianerbild / Literatur / Indianer <Motiv> / Geschichte 1800-1900
Thema: USA / Kultur / Indianerbild / Geschichte 1800-1900
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Titel: The insistence of the Indian
Untertitel: race and nationalism in nineteenth-century American culture
Von: Susan Scheckel
Verfasser: Scheckel, Susan
Verlag, Vertrieb, Erscheinungsjahr
Erscheinungsort: Princeton, N.J
Verlag: Princeton University Press
Erscheinungsjahr: c1998
Umfang: x, 197 p.
Details: ill
Format: 24 cm
Fußnote: Includes bibliographical references (p. [181]-191) and index
Fußnote: The "Indian problem" and the question of national identity -- Cooper and the sources of American national identity -- Domesticating the drama of conquest: Pocahontas on the popular stage -- Mary Jemison and the domestication of the American Indians -- Black Hawk's Life: the Indian as subject of history -- A guide to remembrance: the capitol tour and the construction of a U.S. citizenry
Volltext E-Book :
Andere Ausgabe: Reproduktion von
_Verfasser/Institution: Scheckel, Susan
_Titel: The insistence of the Indian
_Erscheinungsvermerk: c1998
Beschreibung, Inhalt, Sonstiges
ISBN: 1400813298
B3Kat-ID: BV035413439
Thema: USA ; Nationalismus ; Indianerbild ; Literatur ; Indianer <Motiv> ; Geschichte 1800-1900
USA ; Kultur ; Indianerbild ; Geschichte 1800-1900
Subject: United States Politics and government 19th century United States Race relations
Sach-Stichwort: Electronic books
Sprache: Englisch
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